Vacation plan in timeshare
The thought of owning a vacation home may sound appealing, but the year-round responsibility — and expense — that come with it may not. Buying a timeshare or vacation plan may be an alternative. If you're thinking about opting for a timeshare or vacation plan, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, says it’s a good idea to do some homework. If you’re not careful, you could end up having a hard time selling your timeshare. • The Basics of Buying a Timeshare • Before You Buy a Timeshare • Timeshare Exchange Systems • Selling a Timeshare Through a Reseller The Basics of Buying a Timeshare Two basic vacation ownership options are available: timeshares and vacation interval plans. The value of these options is in their use as vacation destinations, not as investments. Because so many timeshares and vacation interval plans are available, the resale value of yours is likely to be a good deal lower than what you paid. Both a timeshare and a vacation i...